Es increíble a lo que me he tenido que enfrentar en el día de hoy. Resulta que tengo un cliente que ha sido incluido en diferentes listas como spammer. Ello fue debido a que tenia una maquina infectada con un troyano, la cual nos costó mucho detectar dentro de su red de ordenadores, hasta que finalmente pusimos un firewall y vimos que una enviaba tráfico por el puerto 25 de manera exagerada.
Pasados unos dias en los que me he dedicado a revisar las listas antispam, veo que todavia esta su ip listada en SORBS. Ni corto ni perezoso empiezo los tramites de revisión de la ip y, efectivamente, está listada como spammer. Lo gracioso es que, como ellos mismos dicen, solamente ha sido listada una sola vez en su sistema.
Continuando con el proceso, pongo mis datos de contacto, los datos de la ip y el motivo por el que pido que quiten la ip de su sistema y en el siguiente paso es cuando recibo el mensaje siguiente:
Removal from the SORBS Spammers database is not automatic, nor is it free, you are required to pay a ‘fine’. SORBS does not like requiring a fine, however it has proved necessary in driving the message home, that you the users are responsible for what you and your machines do on the Internet. This particually applies when your machine is infected with a virus or trojan, getting infected with a virus or trojan can enable your computer to be used in an illegal attack on other computers and networks.
Many of you will complain indicating you didn’t know, however if you pass a Police speed camera at more than the speed limit, try explaining to them that “you didn’t know what the limit was”, you will get the same response from SORBS.
Think it’s outrageous? Well we the administrators of the internet find it outrageous that 15 year old children can hold Banking institutions and major companies to ransom by using 1000’s of infected machines from around the world to flood networks, just because they feel like it.
We also think it is outrageous that known people are able to use infected machines to defeat controls put in place specifically to stop spam, to fill our email boxes with so much rubbish that our servers become useless for what we need them for. Even more outrageous is that they can drive around in luxury cars, maybe own a yatch, and live in exclusive multi-million dollar houses by stealing the use of these machines.
Putting an unpatched, unfirewalled Microsoft Windows® machine on the Internet is irresponsible in the highest degree, installing a proxy server and leaving it open for the world to use is both foolish and irresponsible, yet people are doing these things every day, and no one is telling them they can’t or that it is wrong.
The ‘fine’ is US $50.00 and is designed to be small enough to so that the home user will think twice about getting listed a second time, and small enough to be a ‘right royal pain in the butt’ to any large company. The idea being, that whether you are a multi-national company or a single home user, you will think twice about getting relisted for any reason.
Delisting requirements and procedures are described on the Spam DB FAQ page.
Resumiendo, que si quiero que quiten la ip he de pagar una “multa” de 50 dólares. Recapitulemos este sinsentido, una empresa me añade en su sistema sin mi conocimiento ni mi consentimiento y a la postre he de pagar para que me quiten? Increible!
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